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Skoda Heavy Atillery -Plate 5



The Austro-Daimler "C-Zug", or "generator car", designed by Dr. Ferdinand Porshe, was one of those inventions ahead of its time. First introduced in 1909 as an all purpose locomotive for military fort railways, it soon evolved into a road vehicle for carrying extra heavy loads.

It used a revolutionary method of propulsion - a gasoline engine in the main body of the machine is connected to a generator, which in turn provides electrical power to motors attached to each of the rear wheels. By a system of interconnecting cables, electricity can then be transferred to the specially built trailers which consist of two identical four-wheel units placed end to end, also each with its own motor.
In the end this resulted into a powerful, flexible system, able to transport considerable loads over long distances.

Another feature was the ability to travel on a variety of surfaces, by replacing wheel rims. The "standard" wheels are designed for rail travel (either under its own power or towed by a conventional locomotive) and special rims for road -with solid rubber tyres- or rough unprepared surfaces -metallic wide track wheels reminiscent of those used in the M17 tractor- can be fitted.

The trailer units are also entirely interchangeable with one another, for added flexibility.

Other plates in the series:

The cover

Plate I

Plate II

Plate IV

Plate V

Plate VI

Plate VII

Plate VIII
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600x869px 292.16 KB
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cullyferg2010's avatar
The good doctor was ahead of his time.  Though his tank was a failure, the VW was a better success.