My name is Alexander Dimitrov from Bulgaria, but I’m more commonly known as XavorTM online. I can’t help the fact my biography is a bit short, since i was only born in 1996. When I was younger, around 4-5 years ago I was obsessed with drawing and I think that hobby really taught me how to decide what looks good and how to balance various elements.
Soon after I began trying to get into graphic design but of course, as can be expected, my first attempts were pretty bad. Then I showed my design to a friend from school – Julian Kuntorov, who was much more experienced than me at the time and a bit older. He showed me the direction I should take. The first step was learning CSS and HTML, because back then I was stuck on the WYSIWYG editors. Next, he told me I should look into some professionals and their work to draw inspiration and knowledge from them. As it turned out, it was just what I had needed, because as I now know every young designer has actually next to no idea what to do.
My next big point of my design path was finding graphicriver where i saw opportunity to have a goal. The goal was to sell my product, and being able to sell it means that i have the basic qualities required for proffesional designer. Ofcource, i must admit that at least 3 years passed between these two milesones.
A year after, my first web page template was accepted in Themeforest, when at least a dosen develpers contacted me to work with, but one standed up and since then we work together. You can find him by the nickname “wellthemes”, the team i am in currently and for which i craft my work weekly.
Appart from the work, every man has his hobbies and stuff he love to do. In first place i will put cycling. Training for 3 years so far, i can say its close to be proffesional cycling. Some international races and many in Bulgaria, i take this seroius just as my designer life, with the same opporunities for growing.