Realistic Wing Tutorial IIwindfalcon on DeviantArt

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Realistic Wing Tutorial II



Realistic Wing Tutorial II - Half-Closed Wing as Viewed from Above

After many requests, threats, begging, and bribing :D I have finally found the time to complete the promised second tutorial. This will show you how to draw realistic, half-closed wings from a top view. If you're looking for a tutorial to draw those ribbony or furry wings, then go look somewhere else. ;P This is for people who want to draw wings that will actually lift their creature off the ground.

To view the tutorial, click on 'full view.' If that doesn't work, click 'download to desktop.'

Other Tutorials:
Realistic Wing Tutorial I: Open wing as viewed from below.
Feather Tutorial I: Colored Pencil
Image size
730x2425px 389.24 KB
Β© 2006 - 2025 windfalcon
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ElementalJess's avatar
I can't believe it took me so long to find your tutorial o.O