
6 min read

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Wincey's avatar
A warm welcome to my new watchers :wave: I hope you feel comfortable and like the pictures I'm going to upload in the future and the journals I write - and this is a very special one. I did this in december 2012 and forget about doing it in last december: A special friend/dawnthieves-member-feature. For those who not know: Dawnthieves is a very special project. The lack of free wolf-pictures available on the internet inspired us to build a website, where all pictures where taken by us and can be used for free (as long it's not for commercial purposes). I guess we, especially Khalliysgraphy and Shitani, who came up with the idea, made many many people very happy and still do it every day. So I think: Once in a year it's time to give this people, who spent their time and money to take wonderful wolf-pictures, a special feature. It's also a little personal thank you: Nearly all of them are friends to me and I guess I often don't mention, how much I like them or/and their photography.

:iconwind-princess: also known as Sas R.
Cold Morning by wind-princessThe old Alpha by wind-princessSoftness Resting by wind-princess

:iconkhalliysgraphy: also known as Kati H.
Teal and Ebony by KhalliysgraphyEverlasting by KhalliysgraphyFather and Daughter by Khalliysgraphy

:iconshitani: also known as Ami B.
Nordhorn - Remus 14 by ShitaniNordhorn - Persian Leopard 4 by ShitaniNordhorn - Romulus 2 by Shitani

:iconlakela: / :iconfall-of-rain: also known as Ria P.
Autumn song by Fall-of-rainLast Sunshine by Fall-of-rainHelloooo by Fall-of-rain

:iconlivinja: also known as Anna A.
Brother, where are you? by Livinja Finally mother... by LivinjaDeep by Livinja

This year, we had/have some new DT-members. Please welcome them with a big and warm applause :clap:

:iconeternalocean: also known as Jessi S.
Madly Kiss by EternalOceanMoments like this by EternalOceanChilling in the Sun by EternalOcean

:iconlandkeks: also known as Lionheart Elli S. :D
Stop that! by landkeksSo much to see by landkeksSticks? I'm on my way! by landkeks

:iconkiwiproductions: also known as Meike K.
A brand new morning shines by KiwiProductionsWhen you call I will be right there by KiwiProductionsAutumn lights by KiwiProductions
© 2014 - 2024 Wincey
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