Wincey's avatar


Main Acc: Tiefenschaerfe
120 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Nice Shot: Nice shot! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (297)
BlackBerry: Exclusive Calendar of Tales Badge
My Bio

Main Account: :icontiefenschaerfe:

First of all: Thank you for all the :+fav:! I'm very happy you like my photos so much you put them into you collections. I wish I could give everyone an individual thank, but I fear I do not have the time. So I do it in general, I hope you understand :)

About the usage of my photos
  • You are allowed use my photos for roleplaying games, photo-manipulations or as drawing references, etc.
  • You are also allowed to upload your creation (not just a copy of the original photo or a picture where you changed the eye-colour!) on other internet platforms.
  • You can also use the photo material for school, or study projects.
  • You are not allowed to claim the photos as yours
  • .
  • You are not allowed to use my photos in a commercial way! This also includes [point]commissions on deviantArt! If there is a special reason or interest, for example a charity-project, please ask for permission.
  • I don't mind if you use my pictures of wolves or other wild animals, but please do not use the pictures of dogs. Most of them show my own dog and I don't like her to be used for manipulations or roleplay or other stuff.

If you use my photos, a credit would be nice and of course I like to see all the pretty things you do with them! :)

My Equipment
  • Nikon D7000
  • Nikon D50
  • Nikkor 70-200 mm f 2.8 VRII
  • Nikkor 35 mm f 1.8
  • Nikkor 70-300 mm f. 4.5-5.6 VR

Zoos and parks I visited
  • Zoo Hannover
  • Zoo Berlin
  • Tierpark Berlin
  • Wildpark Lüneburger Heide
  • Zoo Osnabrück (no pictures available)
  • Wisentgehege Springe
  • Wildpark Schorfheide
  • Wildtierpark Edersee
  • Wolfcenter Dörverden
  • Wildpark Eekholt
  • Heimattierpark Kunsterspring

I am a member of, which is a free photography website that provides quality images for creative things like role playing games, photo-manipulations and of course also as drawing references, etcetera. The terms of use you can find on the website.

Members of DT on dA
:iconwind-princess: :iconkhalliysgraphy: :iconshitani: :iconlakela: :iconquiet-bliss: :iconeternalocean: :iconkiwiproductions: :iconlandkeks:

Profile Comments 434

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I used your stock for my latest DA submission! Thank you!…
Used one of your photos from your inactive profile, Wincey.
Danke für den watch :)
Thank you so much for the Llama!
Hiho Wincey, vielen Dank für den Watch! :D Ich habe gerade ein bisschen durch deine Galerie geschaut und bin richtig begeistert. Deine Wölfe sind total schön in Szene gesetzt und ich mag vor allem die Lebendigkeit, die viele Bilder ausstrahlen. Ich musste gleich ein paar Comments da lassen, haha. Uh, und als langjähriger Rollenspieler finde ich auch deine Fotomanips echt gut gemacht. Cheerio & liebe Grüße! :]
Dankeschön :hug: Obwohl ich bei den Manips noch üben muss, nur leider fehlt die Zeit dazu :/