Muslim Manga Month 2 - Page3Wilpan on DeviantArt

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Muslim Manga Month 2 - Page3



Submit for MMM contest in :iconmuslim-manga: month 2
Really bad in English dialogue, need more critique

Tittle : Ima
Episode : Pork
Page : 3 of 4
Image size
900x1269px 514.34 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Wilpan
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AndSoWeCreate's avatar
You don't need to say "a pork." It is perfectly fine to just say "Why didn't you buy pork" (which is the correct way to phrase the sentence)

The next part should be phrased " Pork is one of the foods that is bad for our health." (or simply "pork is bad for us.") The next part should be phrased "In pork there are parasitic worms and also dirt."

The next part should be phrased like this: "It is because pork is haraam.

In the next part instead of saying "many badness" you simply would say something like "there are many bad things like......."

Like I said before, your work is great and I hope I don't sound mean in correcting you. I just wanted to help = )