Muslim Manga Month 2 - Page2Wilpan on DeviantArt

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Muslim Manga Month 2 - Page2



Submit for MMM contest in :iconmuslim-manga: month 2
Really bad in English dialogue, need more critique

Tittle : Ima
Episode : Pork
Page : 2 of 4
Image size
900x1269px 525.15 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Wilpan
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AndSoWeCreate's avatar
You have some really awesome work! But I just wanted to let you know that instead of asking "where you from?" The character should have asked "where were you?" "or what were you doing?" Asking where someone is from is asking where they originally came from the anwser would be more like "I am from America" or " I am from Canada." I just wanted to help. Keep up the good work. You are very very brave to post in a language that isn't your first.