willsketch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/willsketch/art/Celtic-Cross-Tattoo-Bre-s-118311009willsketch

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Celtic Cross Tattoo Bre's



I've had many people ask to use my design, Celtic Cross Tattoo, found here, [link] all of which I turned down. Until this one. I really don't know why I said yes, but I did. Upon seeing how beautiful the tattoo was, I decided to allow others to use the design if they wish, so long as they follow a couple stipulations:

1. You must pay to use the design.
2. You cannot use the design as is, the tattoo artist must add something to the design to make it unique. Or I could do this for you, although it will increase the price.
3. You cannot use any previously used designs as a tattoo, or even a basis for your tattoo. (i.e. You cannot take this picture and just get this design, with say, I don't know, a halo around the top of the cross, or a scroll at the base with someone's name or initials)

Please abide by these rules, anything else just isn't Kosher.
Image size
1200x814px 641.56 KB
HP pstc5200
© 2009 - 2024 willsketch
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