Disney Hogwarts students: ArielWillemijn1991 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/willemijn1991/art/Disney-Hogwarts-students-Ariel-393695856Willemijn1991

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Disney Hogwarts students: Ariel



Next in line is Ariel!!!

I picked huffelpuff for her becouse she is such a sweetie, really nothing but kindness. You could say she belongs to griffindor, but I think she could have been braver, she didn't have to wait for eric to kiss her and she could have stud up to her father. And for her patronus I picked dolfin, known for its sweetness and becouse it is a mamel living in the see :D

Hope you like it

The others:
Giselle: willemijn1991.deviantart.com/a…
Belle: willemijn1991.deviantart.com/a…
Tiana: willemijn1991.deviantart.com/a…
Aurora: willemijn1991.deviantart.com/a…
Megera: willemijn1991.deviantart.com/a…
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2409x2835px 1.65 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Willemijn1991
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A defining trait of slytherins are ambition, cunning, and using any means to achieve their ends

She is not a hufflepuff bc they are loyal and do the right thing even when no ones looking.  Ariel disobeys her dad and ran backwards out her fish-kingdoms doors with both middle fingers up.

Gryffindors have an enduring sense of justice and fairness.  her entire motivation is to be a human.

She is so a slytherin - much like voldemort's horcruxs she does whatever she can to be a human. she cares about her friends, flounder and scuttle and maybe sebastian, but thats where her loyalty to others stops.

Ariel is a textbook slytherin.