ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Deviation Actions
Rules & Info
- 100 = $1
- You may order however many your want, but please only 4 at a time.
- Payment must be up front before I start your custom or breeding.
- Do not order a custom if you don't have the points/cash to pay for it beforehand
- If you choose to pay with PayPal I only take payments in USD
- I do my best to make you Selokas like your decision if one is provided
- I will make small edits, but if you do not like the design I will remake your design once. The other will be sold off as an adopt
- If breeding you must own both parents unless other owner approves through a comment.
There are 3 types of customs, Random, Basic, and Rare.
50 = 50¢
Random is random. The color is random, horns is random, markings is random, random mane type, and ear type. There is a rare random chance that you might get a rare traits.
100 = $1
A basic custom will let you choose colors, horn type, markings, and mane type, ear type, along with one rare trait you might want.
Rare traits include:
Bird skull
Different back feet
Two different marking color
Small wings (any kind)
More tba...
150 = $1.50
A rare custom will let you choose colors, horn type, markings, and mane type, ear type, along with as many rare traits as you'd like. You may also choose one Mutation as well.
Mutations include:
Black skull
3 or more marking color
No Mane/Fur
No Mane/Fur
More tba...
Custom Form
Once your ready to order fill out this form and comment below.
Order type: (Random, Basic, Rare)
How many: (4 max)
Payment: (Points or Paypal)
(If random is chosen no need to fill out the rest of the form.)
Main color: (Body color, mane color)
Mane type/Tail type: (Fluffy, wavy, messy, or other you might want)
Marking Color/style: (Color and how you want the marking to look)
Horn type: (any horns you want)
Ear type: (any ears you want)
Rare Traits/Mutations?:
There are two different types of breeding, Normal and Hybrid.
A Normal breeding is between two regular Selokas. When breeding normally there is usually only one egg/baby born between them but there is chance where they can have 2 - 4 children.
A hybrid breeding is between a regular Seloka, another species of any kind, or even a half Seloka and species of any kind. Anything after 1/4 part Seloka start to become more and more sterile/infertile unless they breed back with a Seloka. When breeding Hybrids only one egg/baby comes from each breeding.
200 = $2A Normal breeding is between two regular Selokas. When breeding normally there is usually only one egg/baby born between them but there is chance where they can have 2 - 4 children.
400 = $4A hybrid breeding is between a regular Seloka, another species of any kind, or even a half Seloka and species of any kind. Anything after 1/4 part Seloka start to become more and more sterile/infertile unless they breed back with a Seloka. When breeding Hybrids only one egg/baby comes from each breeding.
Breeding Form
Once your ready to order fill out this form and comment below.Order type: (Normal, Hybrid)
Payment: (Points or Paypal)
Parent 1:
Owner of 1:
Parent 2:
Owner of 2:
Any Request: (Any certain thing you might want on you baby?)
Parent 1:
Owner of 1:
Parent 2:
Owner of 2:
Any Request: (Any certain thing you might want on you baby?)
Noatak-ARPG Activity Journal
Redeem Threads
Wolf Dogs
(WotW) Herd Tracker - Dorian 141
Lead Information
Lead Horse: Dorian 141
Glass Shards: 107
Items: None
Herd Information
Herd Slots: 1/5
Sickness Tracker:
Dorian got Sick [Link] [Healed]
Dorian got Sick [Link] [Healed]
Injury Tracker: ---
Rank Information
--Dorian - Lead Stallion - Drifter--
Total: 64 RP
[+8] [+8] [+12] [+36]
--Durza - Stallion - Drifter--
Total: 48 Rp
[+12] [+36]
Shard Information
[+16] [+29] [+39] [+23]
Ownership Information
Durza Claimed
(WotW) Heard Tracker - Rahlifi 52
#Whispers-of-the-Wild (
Lead Information
Lead Horse: Rahlifi 52
Glass Shards: 1219
Items: None
Herd Information
Herd Slots: 6/10
Sickness Tracker:
Safflower got Sick [Link] [Healed]
Safflower got Sick [Link] [Healed]
Domino got Sick [Link] [Healed]
Injury Tracker: ---
Rank Information
••Rahlifi - Leader Stallion - Inhabitant••
Total: 230 RP
[+10] [+5] [+17] [+11] [+12] [+7] [+10] [+10] [+7] [+13] [+11] [+11] [+16] [+14] [+7] [+19] [+36]
••Safflower - Mare - Drifter••
Total: 155 RP
[+10] [+10] [+7] [+13] [+8] [+11] [+11] [+7] [+16] [+19] [+36]
Felvarg Activity Tracker
Redeem ThreadsActivitiesCompetitions EventsQuests
© 2019 - 2024 Wildstar00
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Heya, are you planning to reopen this? These guys look awesome and I'd love to have one or two