Prints Available!

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WildSpiritWolf's avatar
I just got back from the printer this evening and I am pleased to finally be able to offer a selection of four different prints (more to come!).  :)

Photobucket Prints-1 by WildSpiritWolf

These were printed on paper sized 8.5x11 inches and have a nice, light sheen to them (which explains the glare on the prints in the lower right hand side of the photo  :XD:).  Please note that the prints do not have watermarks.  The following pictures are available:

Asian Hakurou And Kanji by WildSpiritWolf

Security by WildSpiritWolf

Flower Fox Copic by WildSpiritWolf

Tribal Mystic - Wolf Commish by WildSpiritWolf

Each print is $15 USD.  This price includes domestic or international shipping costs.  For payment, I accept Paypal online or Money Orders through the mail.

Also, let me know if you would like your print to be signed.  

If you'd like to order, please note me with the selection/number of prints you'd like to purchase, your preferred method of payment, and your name and shipping address.  And, as always, let me know if you have any questions.  :)

:icongilbirdplz: Happy Easter! :icongilbird:


:star: I am OPEN for COMMISSIONS, please check out my FAQ for terms and prices:…  Art tips and general FAQ can be found here:… :star:

:star: SKINS featuring my tribal designs are available for sale here:  Just click the link and choose the "SKINS" tab to see the available designs. :star:

© 2011 - 2024 WildSpiritWolf
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Silver-the-demoness's avatar
Are any still available?