Lion And Eagle Color TattooWildSpiritWolf on DeviantArt

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Lion And Eagle Color Tattoo



Here's :iconvalhallasdaughter: 's completed color tattoo commission of a lion and an eagle embracing.

Lineart: Micron Pen 03
Color: Prismacolor Colored Pencils

Please do not copy, trace, reproduce, or alter in any way without given permission.

Image size
2220x3018px 6.36 MB
© 2009 - 2024 WildSpiritWolf
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RoaringSoaring's avatar
I absolutely love it. Can I have permission to copy the outline for an addition to my tattoo sleeve – I have tribal Eagle and Lion, with an ambigram that says "roaring" when red right side up and "soaring" when read the opposite. I want to respect your request of no copying without permission. Let me know if that would be okay, thanks so much.