Current Residence: My Den
Favourite genre of music: Celtic • Alternative • Sound Tracks • Anime
Favourite style of art: Stylized Realism
Operating System: iMac + MacBook Pro
MP3 player of choice: Silver iPod Classic
Skin of choice: Wolf
Favourite cartoon character: Simba • Balto • Spirit • Many More
Personal Quote: "It's A Dog Thing."
I hope you're okay. You haven't been active on here or Fur Affinity since 2020. I hope nothing happened to you.
I'm so happy you're back!!! I missed seeing your work. Btw, I saw that breyer released a 2024 Halloween horse with wolves on the side of it that look SO MUCH like your artwork. Did you work on the design?
The artist whose arts have been inspiring me my whole childhood... 💔
I am so sad to see that Breyer is still releasing the horse with your stolen art on it and the thief seems to get no repercussions.
it has been a good while since you've posted, i hope you are okay :(
Hello! I am not sure how active you are, but I think I found one of your commission works being used by a shop. I wanted to confirm if this was the same commissioner just under a different name or if they got it off PNGkit, kindpng, or, which seems to have some of your works?
this work in particular is being used for their logo. Extremely sorry. I'm sure this is a broken record topic for you.
i really appreciate your art!