WildSpaceSaga on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/wildspacesaga/art/Corporate-Logos-PlaNETech-532942683WildSpaceSaga

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Corporate Logos - PlaNETech



#20 in our Corporate Logos series!  Again, special thanks to :iconford05: for his amazing work!

Though Digitachyon creates the setup for telecommunications, Digitachyon provides the services and hardware necessary to make it happen, using the same communications technology, but with a different business model.  Once a subsidiary of the former, PlaNETech now exists as its own private entity after a public stormout by half of Digitachyon's board of directors, aided by private military groups in the closing days of chaos following the disintegration of the Second Imperium.  With offices on multiple worlds, and its main office on Siberna, it is a close rival to its former parent company, with differences that are not always amicable.
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1374x618px 36.52 KB
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