The Big Bang Experiment (original)Wickfield on DeviantArt

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The Big Bang Experiment (original)


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EDIT: So I'm seeing this circulating around Tumblr w/o my watermark. Guys the watermark is there for a reason so I'm glad you like it but don't remove it or I'll have to start putting the big DA ones up.

AND NO IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE INCEST. I just put Dexter as Leonard because he's the main character (and shortest), and Dee Dee is Penny because she's the sole blond girl. It's not supposed to be an exact copy, but everyone on Tumblr is freaking out.

Dexter: "Dee Dee, this is not the Big Bang theory I thought you were talking about!"
Dee Dee: "Oh well - a little dress-up's always fun!"
Mandark: "Yeah right, especially when your own brother gets to date you before I do...."
Dexter: 0_0



Gosh, this thing took me forever (ZOMG I thought pentool sped things up :P), but it was worth it. Seriously, the perfect crossover, right? I think TBB is what Dexter's Lab could have grown up to be. :P Characters left to right are Douglas E. Mordecai III as Howard (because we all know Doug is a covert pervert :P), that one dark-skinned friend Dexter had in two episodes as Raj, Mandark as Sheldon, Dexter as Leonard (he's the shortest, of course), and Dee Dee as Penny.

I based it off this picture [link]) (with a few changes to better represent the characters - but of course I had to keep the CN checkerboard pattern for Doug's shoes!
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© 2011 - 2025 Wickfield
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TheVundabarfanatic's avatar

I had that as my phone screen recently.

I’m also a big fan of the Big Bang theory!