[POSVent] Moving on is a better form of RevengeWickedMimiArtz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wickedmimiartz/art/POSVent-Moving-on-is-a-better-form-of-Revenge-1035887772WickedMimiArtz

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[POSVent] Moving on is a better form of Revenge



They say revenge is like a dish best served cold…
But sometimes that dish hits you in a unpleasant way.

That’s me with the thought of taking revenge on the user that has harmed me for 2 years yet that thought kept growing and so did my rage everyday. An ex friend of my manipulator came to be about a revenge plan but I was in no way to make my the guy that hurt me suffer, even if they deserved it for what they put me and others through. It wouldn’t be worth the risk to have everything I’ve done go down the drain. I would’ve been shattered if I went through with it and I wouldn’t be here typing this. Vengeful thoughts can’t seem to leave me alone but I don’t intend to make my mental state worsen but seems like some people tend to follow through the thought of revenge. I’ve always enjoyed violence but not in the way that would forever stay with you until death. Lethal or not it may feel good for some but from my perspective. My path is to move on from the pain, forget he ever came into my life.

Lamest thing to do for some but for me, it is what it is and I just have to accept it.

Don’t take my word for it but if you were to fantasize about taking revenge on someone that has hurt you, take a little breather and move on with you’re life, there not in it anymore so why are you fuming up. It’s less mind torture when the abuser isn’t in youre life anymore, sure you can talk to someone about you’re story. Important to but one things for sure.

Moving on is rather pleasant then anything

Self healing go BRRR
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