Jane CallomarWickedMimiArtz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wickedmimiartz/art/Jane-Callomar-967032961WickedMimiArtz

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Jane Callomar







-Pepper spray

As a kid she was never really fond of looking like other pink wearing girls and was a little reckless, messing with other girls and always around the more wild and crazy boys, until she got to middle school when her behavior gets a little out of hand and is told by her teachers that she must start acting mature. Obviously she listen and continued one being a crazy little shit, then one summer her mom drags her to a all girls camp where she tells her it will teach her how to be a normal girl which to her was hell, after that summer her mom thought she had changed, on the outside it seemed like it but on the inside her flame is still lit. Now I’m high school she meets Allison and Gina where they do what other preteen prep girls do as she tries her best to not look like a β€˜Traitor’ to them.

-When she’s not with her trio, she sneaks off to hang out with a punk rock
Friend group (her mom always says to come home by 8 which give her enough time to go wild)
-She’s often to engage on a hell load of fist fights outside of school
And when come to school with beatings, if anyone asks about them she’d
Say a dog attacked her
-She listens to alot of Rock and metal
-She tends to mess with Gina a lot
(||Who she has a little crush on||)
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