Luna's DiscWhyte-Shadow-Neko on DeviantArt

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Luna's Disc



The image below is taken from a stone disk recovered from the Everfree Ruins after the return of Princess Luna. Her highness has kindly consented that it be copied for the historical archives, and identified the engraver as a stallion named 'Flint Chip'. At approximately two thousand years old, this relief is the oldest surviving example of Equestrian romantic poetry.

This was done for a close friend, who also wrote the description above. An old engraved stone disk, the colors long since washed away to only the barest hints of shading. It was really a delight to do this and try this style.
Image size
1788x1782px 658.09 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Whyte-Shadow-Neko
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