Cutie Mark Crusader Ghost GrabbersWhyte-Shadow-Neko on DeviantArt

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Cutie Mark Crusader Ghost Grabbers



(Spoilers if you haven't played/read Story of the Blanks!)

Sketches on paper about a month ago over lunch, then traced over and detailed a bit more digitally - I left in some of the pencil shading because I thought it was interesting. I might color it properly later. It's the full lineup of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, depicted as I came up with in fanon over lunch! In the middle is Ruby, from Story of the Blanks. To her left is Dinky Doo as I drew her from memory - in this interpretation, she's a somewhat troubled child prodigy, but smart and open-minded enough to see that Ruby doesn't mean any harm. Apple Bloom is to Ruby's right, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo round out the corners.

Oh, girls. Don't be afraid of no ghost!

You should be very afraid of each other, though.

Don't cross the streams! (What are those, anyway? A ketchup bottle and a squirt gun? Scootaloo, that might be the worst ghost trap.)
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© 2012 - 2025 Whyte-Shadow-Neko
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Brilliant picture!