A Piece Of Pie p3whysoseriouss on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whysoseriouss/art/A-Piece-Of-Pie-p3-258360547whysoseriouss

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A Piece Of Pie p3



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EDIT: Corrected some grammar.
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MetalBrony87's avatar
This is the part of this comic where it starts to not make any sense to me. Spike went in to check out what happened, Pinkie Pie is somehow set free pushing everyone including Spike leaving the other four all beaten, Pinkie is back on the chair looking all dizzy, then Twilight Sparkle checked to see if she is okay, Pinkie replied back to her and said she is fine, and then Twilight is all shocked to hear Pinkie is making complete sense. Why is Twilight Sparkle so shocked to hear Pinkie Pie making sense? Doesn't she wanted to turn her smart or something?