whmSeik on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whmseik/art/ToT-Give-and-Take-590213754whmSeik

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whmSeik's avatar

ToT: Give and Take



Work and play in dirt all day,
When night comes keep thieves at bay

Sophie loves dirt and planting plants, predictable little grassling. She's not quite used to staying up very late however, but Artemis is. Art would still let the thieves take something if they looked hungry enough. Mostly though, because he didn't want to start a fight in a field of potential food or wake up Sophie.


App: fav.me/d96n1jw

Keepers Rep +2
Got Symbol of Temperance

Image size
1050x1500px 1.7 MB
© 2016 - 2024 whmSeik
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bigbubbleHL's avatar
you draw everything so fantastic!!! those backgrounds are INCREDIBLE!! and all the effects and details... ;--; so beautiful