whmSeik on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whmseik/art/ToT-Adventurer-s-Ethos-Storage-586055079whmSeik

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ToT: Adventurer's Ethos Storage




-Token of Reputation
--Description: A consumable item that grants 1 Reputation with one Guild of your choice.
Ch1, Ch2, Ch2
----No# Owned/No# Used: 1/2

-Spirit of Evolution
--Description: A consumable item that allows a single Pokémon to evolve once. Evolution can grant a moveset change and a change of ability, including changing a regular ability to hidden, or vice versa.
----No# Owned/No# Used: 1/0

-Spirit of Technique
--Description: A consumable item that can be used to replace one move or ability that you know with another that you could normally obtain. Includes level-up, egg, tm/hm, ingame tutor moves, event moves, and moves from a previous evolution. Regular and Hidden abilities are included, too, if changing an ability.
----No# Owned/No# Used: 1/0

-Spirit of Fellowship
--Description: A consumable item that allows a single Pokémon that's basic, baby, or an egg, to be recruited onto a team.
----No# Owned/No# Used: 1/0


-Flattering Portrait
--Description: Grants you the use of Charm for every person who compliments you in it. Allows use of Charm
---Received: Ch1

-Symbol of Temperance
--Description: An item that provides Grassy Terrain when used. After use, it must be recharged through an act of moderation. Allows use of Grassy Terrain

-Knit Shawl
--Description: A warm shawl knit by Percy that will grant the ability Overcoat to its wearer. Allows use of Overcoat
---Received: Ch2

--Description: A trinket that’ll let you take a "photograph" (with the help of the Artisans’ or Scholars’ darkroom!).Film is tough to make, so it can only be used once per Chapter.

Red Lotus
Description: A lotus that will bloom radiantly, granting everyone nearby a boost to Attack and Special Defence. Unfortunately, it’ll wilt and be lost shortly after.
Received: Intermission 2

-Promissory Note
--Description: A note with a distinctive signature. It won't do any good yet, but Prier might repay you later if you hold on to it.
Received: Intermission 2

Meowth Plush
--Description: A team that registers on the tome census will find themselves in possession of an adorable Meowth doll! This cuddly plush can make for a great silent companion to tell secrets to, or even a novel collector's item to display proudly on your shelf.

It can be regular or shiny, with any accessory, but a species change will require customization. But who would want to change such purr-fection?

Received: Tome Registered

Just keeping track of my team's stuff.

App: fav.me/d96n1jw

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813x861px 320.87 KB
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bigbubbleHL's avatar
so so so so so amazing °0^