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whmSeik's avatar

M12 - Dealings



Winter had been much harsher than normal. Though it was not just the winds and ice that made things bad, it was the lack of work and the seemingly constant string of ill luck. The events of Sazanami had left Liam and his companions in terrible shape. Apart from the physical and mental recovery they all needed, Liam had lost nearly all of his equipment and without weapons and armor, he could do nothing but wait. Gavin being in no condition to fly, he relied on Shrideri to travel back to Samudaay for new armor and weapons. Winter weeks passed slowly into the thaw of spring, bringing with it one last sucker punch for the Sawk to deal with, a cold.

It was right as Shrideri arrived back with his new equipment that Liam fell ill, which only served to further his frustrations. Down for another couple weeks, the mercenary found himself at his wit's end trying to figure a way to make up for all the funds they were down on. Then, Gavin came with news that some kind of official work was rumored to be coming soon, and just in time too, as the Sawk’s sickness finally lifting.

There was a moment of excitement before the crestfallen sensation returned once more. The latest expedition was to head far to the north, where frost almost perpetually covered the landscape they would be stuck in for however long. Liam absolutely refused to venture up to the Naklin territories, turning away the job prospect swiftly in favor of not having to experience a second winter after the last had only just ended. Still, with a majority of warriors leaving, there would at least be time to try and make up for lost funds. Or at least, so he thought.

There was unfortunately very little work to be done locally and what was available paid far less that what it was worth or relied on the charity of the hired hand. Digging into what very little remained of his cressent reserves as the summer heat began to rise, there was finally a stroke of good fortune. Not long after those who traveled to Naklin returned, another venture was announced, this time by the guilds themselves. The call being fairly urgent, they were gathering all those willing in a hurry to make a trek out to the land of Kalka. Liam was on board before there could be any second thoughts.

Accompanied by Gavin and Bayard, though he hardly had a choice in the latter’s presence, the three discussed plans for making more money in the area while helping out these forest tribes. Merchants being as they are, Gavin had a few connections in a town south of where their ship was planning to dock. The little bird planned to secure some trades with the forest tribes before heading down to the port and ferrying a ship to pick up the goods, all while Liam and Bayard would be performing whatever tasks were needed of them. After all, there was many a tale of the abundant richness of the jungles of Kalka, both in scenery and in commodities. Oh, but how plans do love to fall through when you rely on them most.

Gavin looked about ready to spontaneously molt all of his feathers out as their group was rounded up by the Isilanga tribe and herded away from the lush greenery that had been just out of reach. Within the large encampment, the Aetherians learned that there was something far more going on that involved their reasons for being there in the first place. Though at this point, Liam just wanted something to do, Gavin wanted someone to peck the eyes out of, and Bayard just couldn’t care any less. But all were perturbed that the plan they had worked out now couldn’t be put to use, especially when it seemed that the various leaders seemed to completely disregard all the rogues. Well, except one.

That fancy tongued fox gave the gathering of ne'er-do-wells quite the surprise when he made his secretive entrance from the guise of Mateo. He spoke of needing an escape plan as he outlined his intentions of assassination, not wanting the poor denizen he masqueraded as to take the fall for his upcoming actions. Apart from likening Umbra’s long winded explanations to listening to Gavin run the shop all day, Liam found the fox’s call for assistance to be a true blessing in disguise.

After hearing from a few others, Umbra turned to Liam and his companions with the same question and the same look on his face, seemingly preparing to be disappointed. Being along for the ride, Gavin and Bayard listened as the Sawk volunteered them for a revamped version of their former plan. The Fletchinder clicked in annoyance, the hound snarled in revulsion, but everything was being set into motion, very fast motion. Gavin would need to slip out as soon as he could to go secure a boat with his contact, made difficult without a planned shipment size. Liam would take Gavin’s place, mingling in with the denizens to negotiating trades with the various tribes. And Bayard would grant Umbra safe passage through the dense jungles, much to the Arcanine’s indignation, so he could travel downstream with the trade goods to the waiting ship. Umbra seemed pleased.

Soon as he could, Gavin broke away from the trio as the small group of Aetherians made their way into the humid forests, catching an updraft and quickly vanishing from sight. He could easily make the trip to the southern port before nightfall, but all of this was still irritating to him. Especially the thought of needing to convince his contacts that there was at least something waiting up at the northern delta, but how much something being a complete mystery. Grinding his beak while gliding along the gusts, Gavin took one last look back at the domes housings of the Isilanga village. With a snap of his beak and a choice set of colorful insults in his native tongue, the little bird flitted away.

Meanwhile, under the thick canopy, the mercenary and his hound had arrived with their group to the first of the villages. Although he could tell right off the bat that this one would be a wash, an attempt was made, but still, the only thing that could be garnered was from Umbra in convincing them of the dangers that were about. The second was far more promising. Having heard rumors of the Ntesie tribe before, Liam prepared and presented a number of short stories he knew before bringing up the idea of trade. Speaking of legends from his homeland and even of tales of the wild hunt Bayard had once recounted, he even managed to draw the attention of Anansi once Umbra was through with his spiel. Unable to tell if this was truly a good or bad thing based on the rumors, the mercenary was at least relieved when his trade request was set and he was still allowed to leave with everyone else.

This trend mostly continued, though with far less storytelling, which was unfortunate. To the third, fourth, and finally a fifth tribe, Liam was able to gain their trust enough to open trade. All the while, Bayard kept watch near his master as he worked, eyes ever shifting about the varied surroundings. As he regarded the different villages structures and inhabitants with only a moment of his time, the hound snarled internally. He detested the task he’d been given. He loathed the creature he’d be escorting. And what’s more? That abhorrent wretch would just be allowed to do as he would and he could do nothing.

He was told clearly that he would aid in this Umbra’s escape, that he would do no harm. It was just barely the lesser of evils, only ever so slightly, only because a murderer was slaying another hells begotten murderer instead of someone undeserving. He would glance at the rat guised fox as he spoke to the tribe leaders, teeth tightly clenched for his own sake, but still, he could not help but stare. Knowing the truth behind the illusion, knowing something vile was so close, he could almost feel his shadow upon him, and he seethed at that sensation.

Within a matter of hours, the deeds of the denizens were done. All began their trek back, trailing long behind the tribe representatives that had been sent out to meet with the Isilanga’s Inkosi. Everyone seemingly craved the dry heat of the savanna over the smothering sensation of the jungle’s humidity, setting a more than swift pace back. Liam and Bayard marched at the tail end of the pack of Aetherians as they ventured back into the golden fields and harsh sunlight. The mercenary wearing a smirk fueled by the sensation of the weight that had been lifted from his shoulders while the hound in his wake scowled, seeming to mentally curse all before him.


Word count= 1502

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1050x1050px 1.49 MB
© 2017 - 2024 whmSeik
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Songal's avatar
Can't wait to see what you wrote. wish I could have added your characters in like I wanted but I didn't have enough time.