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Mentally and emotionally drained from the experiences faced within the Trial of Emotion, Liam decided to pay a visit to the real Shrideri and his family after several days of deep thought. Sending Gavin back to Aether to inform Neve of his plans, the Mercenary managed his way onto a trade cart bound for Samudaay as it passed through Khetmaat. In a few day's time, he was soon within the lush forests that overflowed about the neighboring country and still another few till finally he reached the small village that house those he sought. The excited cries of the little ones who remembered his face soon attracted the rest of his splintered tribe to come and greet the Sawk, remembering that it had been quite a while since he'd last come to visit. Seeing all their faces brought ease to Liam's mind, he was so glad that the work he'd been doing was helping them all stay in a place where they could be safe and happy. Eventually able to break away from his enthusiastic family as they went about plans for a welcoming meal, the mercenary found his way to Shideri's home.

Though surprised by the Sawk's arrival, Shrideri wasted no time in inviting him into her home. Greeting the Mienshao's three mates, Liam joined them among the scattered through pillows within the sitting room and began to share his experiences of the trial. When Liam finally finished, the faces around him shared equal parts of surprise and intrigue, Shrideri looking more shocked than anything. Admissions in lack of their own confidence for the same feat uttered from the Mienshao's mates, agreeing that the situations going on in the western nations were quite perilous. Requesting a moment alone, Shrideri took Liam by the hand, escorting him off to a side room. Caught off guard, the mercenary was pulled into a tight hug by the now trembling Mienshao, who began to spill forth fears for his safety. Listening to her quavering speech, Liam wrapped his arms about Shrideri, assuring her that he would let nothing fell him. They spoke on, taking nearly an hour to catch up in one another's lives, Shrideri reminding him once more of her wish for the Sawk before they finally made their way back to the sitting room.

Joining his family later that evening for a small feast and giving a place to sleep within Shrideri's home, Liam found himself spending the next week in the small village. He spied several new younglings playing about the dusty street in his stay, his heart lifting at the idea that the tribe was regrowing and flourishing in this place. There was so much more that still needed to be done before his tribe could really call this place home, but Liam knew that was still a ways off even at his best effort. Soon, Gavin came to begin his supply runs for the Aether market. Greeting his friend, the mercenary knew this was likely the best of times to begin his own trip back. Spending his final night within the small village, Liam awoke to a surprise as his parents came to meet him. His mother excitedly lead him back into their home, the little elderly Electabuzz a glimmer with energy as she shoved a bundle of red cloth into her son's arms. Pleasantly surprised, a neatly folded lightweight cloak now rested in his arms, the color prime for how his tribe went about celebrating the Midsummer. Feeling a hand upon his shoulder, Liam turned to meet the eyes of his father, who held out two small blades as a gift to his son.

Eagerly and happily, Liam donned his new cloak and checked the small weapons, finding them to be a parrying dagger and a misericord. Though he hoped to never need to use either of them, the mercenary was thankful for these gifts, knowing Raban had likely gone out of his way to make extra for him. A sudden rough pressure squeezed against his torso as his little mother threw her arms around him. Liam smiled warmly as he returned the hug, feeling a solid grip upon his shoulder from his father as Ima spoke happily of how proud they both were of his endeavors for the tribe. They both seemed happy, the tribe seemed happy, and to Liam that is what mattered most. And he would ensure that happiness for generations beyond his own with all of his being. After a round of farewells from the tribe and Shrideri, the mercenary assured Gavin that he'd be on a boat back to Aether within a week. Looking up from busily taking count of the upcoming shop stock, the little bird bobbed happily at his friend's return to their usual routines, reminding him that Neve was waiting. With one final wave, Liam boarded a cart bound for the Samudaay coastline, eager to make his way back to Aether.


Wanted to do a little writeup for things that happened after the trial for Liam.

Word count: 822 = 800 Cressents


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872x1231px 1010.91 KB
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KittyHawk456's avatar
I'm literally going to cry right now...Ai A-chan Fuuyuumi (Tears of Joy) [V1]