whmSeik on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whmseik/art/Behests-Bag-and-Khopesh-delivery-556854796whmSeik

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Behests: Bag and Khopesh delivery



August 2015 Behests

Such a busy merchant bird.

For Sophia, Gavin got several bags Liam's mother had been working on for the shop. Prototypes of sorts, but still just as carefully made as any of her work. As well, the tribe's weaver was kind enough to spare thread of the desired color and a needle.

For Yukino, Gavin managed a trade in one of Khetmaat's trade ports for a khopesh while making his usual supply flights for the shop.

Sophia belongs to :iconyukimare:
Yukino belongs to :iconkokokat123:

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Yukimare's avatar
Sophia : "Ach , sas ef̱charistó̱. (Ah, thank you.) These should do nicely for me, Yuki, and Faregildis." *She then curtseys out of respect* "I am in your debt."