WhiteSkyPony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whiteskypony/art/Improved-Wings-Bones-Paintable-Prop-SMDs-DL-556965992WhiteSkyPony

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WhiteSkyPony's avatar

Improved Wings Bones (Paintable Prop/SMDs) [DL]



There you have it, the new wings with more bones for posing.

Works for both male and female base.

Included on the .rar file:

- The wings source files for compilling
- A prop version of the wings that can be painted in both SFM and GMOD as ata64 request it.

Thanks DogeBuild for the kinky pic o3o

PS: May update in the future, upload to the workshop as well. So be sure to check you message box.

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LinorMusicbeatPONE's avatar
Where can I find the glasses?