WhiteSkyPony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whiteskypony/art/Genie-Suit-DL-508142908WhiteSkyPony

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Genie Suit [DL]



A single prop with bodygroups for the wings and horn parts, with six skins for each of the mane 6 (It doesnt work for the alicorn wing, only the normal one).

I have to make 2 version of this, the way SFM and GMOD apply the transparent textures is different.

In SFM after locking and putting the suit on a pony if the leg part glitch out, disable and re-enable lighting and will fix it.

Skin order:
1) Fluttershy
2) Rainbow
3) Twilight
4) Applejack
5) Rarity
6) Pinkie

Workshop DL: Link

Preview image by :iconsourcerabbit:
Requested by AstroBoyGF
Tiara Glaber

Genie Suit (Re-Done) by WhiteSkyPony

Image if you want without the logos:
Four Legged Wish Makers by SourceRabbit
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Me: another day another job

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