WhiteSkyPony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whiteskypony/art/Bonemergeable-Pony-Eyebrow-SFM-DL-479468470WhiteSkyPony

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WhiteSkyPony's avatar

Bonemergeable Pony Eyebrow (SFM) [DL]



Jeez i finally find some time to finish this, just a small edits to the eyebrows made by :iconnutrafin: - Preview pic by :iconsourcerabbit:.
This is pretty much for SFM but give it a try on GMOD too.

Now when you bonemerge them they stay in the right place, each one has a bone so they can be moved as you want.

Pretty much that is, in gmod they work but you know what happen when you bonemerge them to another model, they lost the possibility to use face poser on it, so they still have to be manually placed.

The original model can be found here: fav.me/d6tm4zh
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KayMan13's avatar
i locked the head but when i drag zero it puts it in the wrong position can you think of a fix