9 Years!WhiteSkyline on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whiteskyline/art/9-Years-817683361WhiteSkyline

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WhiteSkyline's avatar

9 Years!



Thank you!

-Full Picture: drive.google.com/file/d/10yusv…

Collaborative effort by:

White :iconwhiteskyline:
“Almost 6 years ago, my journey began, which gave me unforgettable memories and journeys for a half of this decade , incredible people, artists ,animators, musicians and a positive impact on my daily life. And i don't want to stop here. Thank you!"

Calvin :iconcalvinlaudrensio:             
"I'm really grateful for all the friends that I made, everything that I have gone through wouldn't be possible without you guys. All of the support, kind words that keeps on coming that always made my day, I am really thankful for that. The show's might be over, but the friendship will still live on!"

Twily  :iconalicorntwilysparkle:
"After all these years, it's 9 seasons already, and 9 years of friendship too! I joined the fandom on 2014 back then, time sure fly really quickly! I made alot of friends past these years too, it's really change my life, I really shy back then, not even dare to meet new people too, now it's different, thanks MLP, and thanks for my friends that accompany me even until these day, and may the friendship stay with you!"

Geek Stuff:
Map: g4_ponyvilleschoolhouse_sfm.bsp  


New V6 models (including Mane 6, Trixie and overs): www.deviantart.com/aeridiccore…
Starlight: ponysfm.com/enhanced-starlight…
Sunset: ponysfm.com/sunset-shimmer-ult…

Trees and grass: mega.nz/#!BhkSESLY!W43vusRui98…
Clouds: www.deviantart.com/vikingerik7…
Image size
4140x2560px 9.19 MB
© 2019 - 2025 WhiteSkyline
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RedWolf246's avatar

rw:so many good 9 years :^_^: im proud to be a Brony 4evermore.^_^