Codex Icons for Androidwhiterabbit007 on DeviantArt

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whiterabbit007's avatar

Codex Icons for Android



I created these for my Nexus One, though being just PNGs they can be used anywhere obviously. I made two versions of them - with and without reflections. There are 26 icons of each version, they are 72x72 pixels.

You can also download the full PSDs for these at [link]
All the layers, shapes and effects are intact so you can resize them to whatever you need, or modify them in any other way.

Keep getting questions about the wallpaper :) so here it is [link]

Also keep getting requests for "the dock" :) It's not a "dock" guys, it's just a shape in PS with the awesome glass texture effect done by [link]

Update: Uploaded 30 more Codex icons [link]
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