whitelighter5's avatar


Respect my boundaries!
328 Watchers


Aurora as Blind Mag

Repo The genetic opera

2 deviations
ReBoot Season 3 Poster


17 deviations
Shall We Dance

Lord Shen - KFP 2

18 deviations
Commission: A Fresh Start- Interlude

MLP -Friendship is magic

101 deviations
Ash and Misty grown up

Pokemon - ones I like

70 deviations
Retro Disney Princesses

Favorite doll makers

24 deviations
Demongo - Samurai Jack -

Samurai Jack

84 deviations
Catching stars

Sailor Moon

1241 deviations
Frankenweenie Steampunk Short Stories: Characters


11 deviations
Moriarty's Deal


17 deviations
Chazz Princeton

handsome men

12 deviations
Duck Tales stamp


221 deviations
Post MU-Life's a Scream! Chapter 6

Monsters U Inc

23 deviations

Doll Makers on Flash Hopefully Saved...

So far now that a couple of days are coming closer to the new year, I've been paranoid and scared about the games on Azaleas Dolls, Doll Divine, and Rinmaru Games being gone forever after Adobe Flash is axed at the end of 2020. I've now heard that there are techniques to be able to save the games that are run by Adobe Flash to play offline. I've heard of BlueMaxima Flashpoint as a way to download, but haven't looked into it yet. I've also found out that there are two methods that both involve in saving the SWF file to the game (for those who use Chrome, might wanna look into this) by either downloading "Flash Player content debugger" on Adobe’s website OR an SWF File Player. https://www.howtogeek.com/438141/how-to-play-adobe-flash-swf-files-outside-your-web-browser/ https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/download-run-flash-games/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdcI8f9C9-E Let me know if which one's good to use and hopefully by the new year and onward, the games are saved and still

For writing

7 deviations
The Tales of El-ahrairah

Watership down

30 deviations
Junior going for the pawprint

photos and moar

9 deviations
(Closed) Dresses design adoptables - Auction

Beautiful jewelry dress designs

722 deviations

Fantasyland Season 2 - Ep. 5

Episode 5: Blood in the Water Warrick and Jack had only been back in the Jamestown encampment a minute, only just walking up to John when they were greeted by the former’s partners from earlier in the day. “Smith! Stokes! You’re both actually alive!” a disbelieving Ben said as he and Lon were climbing down from one of the fort’s barricades. They had seen John walk in a moment ago, but had only now had the chance to talk to their fellow company men. “We were looking everywhere for you two!” added Lon. “The hell you were! Last I saw you both, you looked like you were about to run across the Atlantic back to England!” snapped Warrick, not having forgotten that the two men had ditched him. “But that tree…!” “Boys, relax!” John walked up to Ben and Lon to reassure them, placing his hands on both men’s shoulders. “We’re all in a strange land. New places can spook men, I’ll be the first to admit it, but you shouldn’t let the land scare you now. It was just your imagination whatever

Awesome fics

165 deviations
OC Valerie Payne Fashions Collection Continued


12 deviations
What Is This Feeling? (Colored)


27 deviations
Some part of me is mortal yet

Last unicorn

130 deviations
Crystal Gems

Steven Universe

217 deviations
skeKIv and skekMal [CM]

Dark crystal

336 deviations
Giant Turkey

Gravity Falls

66 deviations
over-the-garden black and white

over the garden wall

66 deviations
Sirens (Hercules-Battle for Mount Olympus)

Mythology and such

153 deviations
Pixel Checker Patterns for PS

Cool Photoshop brushes and such 2

458 deviations