Current Residence: Québec, Canada
Status: Mother of two. Marketing manager.
Favourite genre of music: From Craddle of Filth to Mylène Farmer....
Wallpaper of choice: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Favourite character: Thrawn, All Might, Kyojuro rengoku, Sephiroth, D (from Vampire Hunter D), Drizzt, Entreri
Personal Quote: Torpinouche
Favourite Visual Artist
Luis Royo, Todd Lockwood, Olivier Ledroit, Kōhei Horikoshi, Yana Toboso...
Favourite Movies
Star Wars, Vampire Hunter D, The last unicorn
Favourite TV Shows
HunterXHunter, My Hero Academia, Games of Thrones (not the end...), Dexter and several others.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nightwish and Epica
Favourite Writers
R.A.Salvatore, Timothy zahn, JK Rowling, Stephen King, G.R.R Martins, Kōhei Horikoshi...
Favourite Games
Dragon age : Inquisition, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy 7, KOTOR 1 and 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Manga, anime, bunnies, swimming