WhiteBook on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/whitebook/art/The-Wind-Book-90117374WhiteBook

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The Wind Book



Blow of the Great Mistery.
Involve me affectionately
In a sensation of coolness and fear.
I close the eyes...
It's good being here, feeling you.
Come powerful fort
Raising me to the imaginary world
Becoming my soul free
In this deep inspiration of your being…

Dedicated to :iconanemos: my Wind Friend.

A poem by :icongreat-prince-laharl:inspired in this image, thank you :heart:

And so, a wind of change has swept the world
Will it be a peaceful breeze?
Or will it be a gust of destruction?
We are not certain, but we know this:
The wind, no matter how powerful, will always change

Credits: the girls [link] and [link] :icontracie76stock:
Image size
3500x3500px 2.56 MB
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erene's avatar
Very interesting work!