The Water BookWhiteBook on DeviantArt

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The Water Book



Water is vital to the planet. It was from the water that came up the first forms of life, led to the earth forms, which only managed to survive in that helped draw water from the environment and retain it in their own bodies. The evolution of living beings has always been dependent on the water.

There is a false idea that water resources are infinite. Indeed there is much water on the planet, but less than 3% of the world's water is fresh, of which more than 99% appears to be frozen in the polar regions or in underground
Water is the most critical and important element for human life. Composed of 60 to 70% of our body weight, regulates our internal temperature and is essential for all functions.

On average, at least, our body needs to 4 litres of water per day. In addition to water is also used in the preparation of bottles of foods and juices. So we must ensure a safe water, with quality, pure and crystal.

Dedicated to my dear friends for all their support:

:iconajota: :icondeadlybuterfly: :iconpercy-silva: :iconpihfuentes: :iconsortvind:
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2500x2500px 1.23 MB