Holding OnWhimsical-Dreams on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whimsical-dreams/art/Holding-On-123634591Whimsical-Dreams

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Holding On



I'm breathing in pieces
Just tasting the feeling
All Open, suggestions
Unspoken within

And it takes me to another place
The Universe, The Endless Space Above, Above
And The World Is Like A Mirror Ball
I'm Spinning In The After Glow Of Love

1000 Stars, 1000 Breaths, 1000 Voices Singin'
1000 Heartbeats Under My Skin
This Is Where We Begin,
Right Here

Skin Diving slow Motion
The Colours are Running

You Call Me, I'm coming
I'm taking it in

And it takes me to another place
The Universe, The Endless Space Above, Above
And The World Is Like A Mirror Ball
I'm Spinning In The After-Glow Of Love...

Haven't had a chance to go out for photography lately, but I'm hoping to find a lot of people to model for me soon!

(c) `love4art 2012
This is a photograph of me, please do not upload it to any site, or edit it in anyway. This is not a stock photograph, so be advised if you take it and try to pass it off as your own I will eventually find out. Always be original, don't pass off other artists/photographers work as your own.

Image size
700x647px 660.04 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Whimsical-Dreams
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