Dreamy Soft ActionWhimsical-Dreams on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whimsical-dreams/art/Dreamy-Soft-Action-112306919Whimsical-Dreams

Deviation Actions

Whimsical-Dreams's avatar

Dreamy Soft Action



If you'd like to learn how to achieve a similar soft & whimsical effect to your own photographs, you can! I have uploaded my very own personal Photoshop Actions for you, which you can find here:

.:: Whimsical Photoshop Actions ::. by Whimsical-Dreams NEW: Wonderful Photoshop Actions (30 Actions) by Whimsical-Dreams Lolly Pastel Photoshop Action Collection by Whimsical-Dreams

||||Download my Photoshop Actions here ||||

:bulletblue: Dreamy Soft Action :bulletblue:

Suitable for photographs (of at least a high resolution, but that is just my opinion) which are of portrait shots, or whatever you want. I use this action on a lot of my photographs. You can find other examples here:
* "I love you always"
* "Glam Butterfly"
* "Day Dreamer"

The action is mostly yellow soft tones and curves. For the dreamy effect, I have added a duplicate layer, gausian blur set to 3.5, and then clicked "screen" to lighten and it will NOT be very blurry, only soft.


I would also love to see what you come up with, please note or comment me here, but NOT on my front page. I don't like advertisement on my front page. If you show me the correct way, I will certainly comment and fav! Please credit me.

(c) Whimsical-Dreams 2012
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