Well, my submission pace has slowed again, but that's because my writer Eric Rampson and I have kicked production of
The Redeemers #4: Flame War into high gear! We're trying to get everything done in time to debut the book at C2E2 in late April. Should be plenty of time, too, as the penciling and inking stage is wrapping up. We've brought in our favorite pinch hitter, Lore

to help with the interior colors, and the beautiful and talented Kaypee

to lend some watercolor love to the cover.
We took a hiatus from the continuity in late 2012/2013 to work on a related side project that'll see the light of day soon (we hope!), but trust me when I tell you that Flame War is easily the strongest
Redeemers story so far and will be worth the wait. Without giving too much away, the issue will have A, B, and C plots, one concerning each of the three heroes, but the main story is centered around fan (and artist, let’s be honest) favorite, Dex the drummer. Front man Gabe and bassist Neil’s stories both have some exciting developments inside, too, though, and it just wouldn’t be a
Redeemers story without the patented super-adorable moxie and quick-cutting comments from band manager Maddie.
We'll have first-run copies of the book at C2E2. Shortly after, I plan on revamping the
Lonely Robot Comics website's store, at which point all four issues will be available for online ordering! For more
Redeemers information and updates, check out our
Facebook page!