Wheatart on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/wheatart/art/Character-Sheet-Rachel-761742440Wheatart

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Wheatart's avatar

Character Sheet-Rachel



Now that I’ve done a lineup in a style I was happy with, it’s time to do character sheets! These show their main go-to morph, as well as some alternate outfits!

Rachel has always been really fun for me, just because she can be fashionable, but also have some fantastic expressions! And bears are seriously really cool to draw. (Thanks again Disney, Brother Bear was another great help!)
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3600x2700px 1.28 MB
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Wildboy22's avatar
What? Do you always use Disney movies to help you draw? If so why haven`t you use Lion King for one of your characters.:D (Big Grin)