Space Premade BackgroundsWesley-Souza on DeviantArt

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Wesley-Souza's avatar

Space Premade Backgrounds



in my art
In Space by Wesley-Souza


  1. Space nebula with Planet Premade : 4.810 x 2.972
  2. Planet with Stars on black background  : 4.810 x 2.972


Bullet; Blue
Planet texture by EveLivesey ( stocks used with permission )
Bullet; Blue
the rest made ​​( painting ) with resources of the Photoshop CC ( filters ....etc...), no stock used .

Please respect the rules

Bullet; Green If you use my stock, send me a link [ via note or comment on the stock used ].
Bullet; Green Credit me in the description of your work.
Bullet; Green You don't need my permission to submit your work as a print.
Bullet; Green Let me first For commercial work 
Bullet; Red Be creative, do not just change the colors
Bullet; Red Don't use in any pornographic or racial way.
Bullet; Red Don´t make premade backgrounds, tubes or brushes with my stock.
Bullet; Red You are not allowed to post my stock on any other site.

More stocks here and premium here.


Space Nebula Pack Stock by Wesley-Souza Space Nebula Premade Stock by Wesley-Souza Planet stock pack - Blue Space by Wesley-Souza

my group :iconthe-imaginarium:

FAQ #157: Can I use things created by other people in my submissions?
FAQ #217: What are "Stock and Resources" and can I use them in my submissions?
Image size
1000x781px 410.45 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Wesley-Souza
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