WerewolvesAtHeart's avatar


dA's largest werewolf group
Years Ago

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  • Founded
  • 4.7K Members
  • 6 Admins
  • 538.7K Pageviews
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    Rest in Peace Red-Savage by WerewolvesAtHeart, journal

    Comments 1.6K

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    Just wanted to say hello and thank you for accepting me!

    SO happy to have found this group again. I know groups/dA aren't what they used to be, but I love this community and its artists so much. Thanks for keeping the torch burning just a little longer.
    I think werewolves are so beloved that they have been in our culture for hundreds and hundreds of years and are still becoming more and more popular.
    Dead group is dead
    dA in general is dead

    I think I'm still the only active mod on here, and I barely come on this site anymore
    Hey is this group dead because the last journal entries were in 2016 and the last comment from the writer was in 2020?