Rest in Peace Red-Savage by WerewolvesAtHeart, journal
Rest in Peace Red-Savage
We at :devwerewolvesatheart: would like to honor :devRed-Savage: in her recent passing. :devRed-Savage: was a previous administrator of :devwerewolvesatheart:, and a good friend to many. Our founder, :devlazywolf:, had this to say: I’m probably not the best person to write this because I probably won’t do her justice, but I’ll try my best. Mortality is so frail. One second you’re driving with a friend and get out to change a flat tire, the next second there’s a horrible accident that ends a dynamic life, one that was just starting to look up again after a long struggle, one that was so young and still had so much longer to live. Even the b...
SO happy to have found this group again. I know groups/dA aren't what they used to be, but I love this community and its artists so much. Thanks for keeping the torch burning just a little longer.