WendigoMoon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wendigomoon/art/Cassap-712497788WendigoMoon

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WendigoMoon's avatar




An ancient Arcadian sorceress, oracle, and high priestess over a temple devoted to the worship of Pan.  She is one in a long line of human-satyr hybrids, the result of generations of rituals where the threshold separating our world from the world of the Gods is crossed and the denizens of the otherworld co-mingle with the human inhabitants of our own.

Entry for "I want to sculpt Your OC!" contest by :icondrzoliparia:
Prize: about 12 centimeters (4,72 inches) height, handmade figurine of your character.
More info here: I want to sculpt Your OC! 
Image size
1639x2830px 5.79 MB
© 2017 - 2024 WendigoMoon
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formerselves's avatar
A very enigmatic figure. My associations here are the use of fertility/animalistic elements (horns, large hands) in combination with those completely concealing white robes that seem more of a symbol for purity and virtue. Then the mask adds another layer of mystery. It also looks really cool.
Overall, really good job! I wish you good luck with that contest!