knitting a wingwellagain on DeviantArt

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wellagain's avatar

knitting a wing



ok, a lot of explanation is needed here.
two weeks ago a good friend of mine gave me 4 real brushes. 3 days ago we went to a supermarket and i realized there were no real paper and real paint in my house since i graduated school. so we bought gouache for children creative work and some paper with nice texture. yesterday bothered with my studies i tried to look how it looks like to paint with real brushes and paints on real paper. everything was different: no ctrl+z, no eyedropper, no zoom, no crop or move and you have to wait till you painting goes dry and you need to wash you brushes! but still, it was fun.
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443x636px 134.81 KB
© 2005 - 2025 wellagain
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fiercebloodlove's avatar
ohh what a cool idea very pretty and simple