natalie font by weknowweknow on DeviantArt

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weknow's avatar

natalie font by weknow



helo everyone, this font i dedicate to natalie, she just take a college studying math, and she is brilliant pencil artist on Deviantart, well you should visit here

well i hope you like it oke, and special for you natalie, thank you for always bring me happiness...good luck with everything you do at there and take care

this is the icon of :iconzenatz19: natalie....visit ok

and dont forget to always keep fun in everyday of your life
for what ever happen in your life...

good luck

All font Here, all donation acceptable to raise my creativity, and ill be appreciate, thank you all friend
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zenatz19's avatar
It's beautiful, Wino! I really love it, and I love the artist's comments as well! Really means a lot to me. :hug: