* *Weissglut on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/weissglut/art/--498623817Weissglut

Deviation Actions

Weissglut's avatar

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Places of Peace

1018 by NigritaBehind the house IX by Lumpy2
It's not safe in the Blood Forest, they said. by Unkopierbar
Endless Passion by bordaOcean of Dreams by Dave-Derbis
Whispers of Morning II by Draken413o
Changes, pt. 2 by MashutoD U S K by Photographystev
80 by MikkoLagerstedt
Lucid Isolation by DMMDesignHidden winter by FlorinALF
Summer Sunset in Sweden by torasenfoto
Starry night by NickSpikerSuch a lonely day by Pajunen
The Inspired #157:earth:Welcome to The Inspired:earth:
The Inspired is a weekly feature of deviations from around Deviant Art.
The Inspired features a wide range of Traditional and Digital art styles, photography, & Artisan crafts.
All featured deviations do not contain mature content
Digital Works


Traditional Works
The snowfall is so silent by DreamyNaria
Submissions of the week feature!:wave:
A tie this week :w00t:
Our submissions of the week are....
by :iconmatthieu-parmentier:
by :iconWeissglut:
Please give these stunning deviations the attention they deserve and fave them if you haven't already! :)
Please donate to the Super Group renewal fund here :iconcosmic-cherry-tree: if you can :floating:

A Foggy Feature - Best of DecemberWelcome to the last Foggy Feature of 2014! The group has grown quite a bit in the last year. We now have almost 500 members. Keep submitting your pictures and artwork in 2015 for all of us fog lovers to enjoy!! :D
Best wishes for 2015!.. may the fog be with you! ;)
Condemned... by thewolfcreekconnects us. by bebefromtheblockTo another universe by Tiina23Crawling through the valley by erynlasgalenphotoartLong-Forgotten Mystery by UnkopierbarBack Into the Fall by Miguel-SantosSwitzerland by RobinHalioua29.12.2014: Sunrise with -23 Celsius by SuensyanMisty by KariLiimatainenSunrise Overture pt.XII. by realityDreamLove Is In The Air by LeWelschWinterpoesie by HeathenHeartAutumn Stories #5 by HeikoGerlicherLeaves dancing with the mist by erynlasgalenphotoartForest 7 by LillianEvill
Places XLIII
:heart: A collection of foggy places :heart:

Wald #29 by HeikoGerlicher
Mist Around by Weissglut Magic Road by PawelUchorczak
Fleeting by firepaved
trapped by losgeloest dreamy by losgeloest
Solar Filter by CaveCanem42
If These Trees Could Talk pt.VII. by realityDream wandering of souls II by JoannaRzeznikowska
Hold On to Now by tvurk
Dark Fall by tvurk October by m-eralp
only THE BEST of the month - 06The best of the month from the groups I manage !!!
:iconglory-of-nature: :iconwelovenature::iconnaturephotographs:

Spirit Feather by LASKANWLFEdge of the Sky (II) by KatiaIvaArts* * by WeissglutMonarch butterfly by KlaraDrielleSoon The New Day by CitizenFreshBald Eagle Weisskopfseeadler 15 by bluesgrassVal d'Orcia 2 by CitizenFreshLuna Inspiration 2 by AStoKo
Image size
2000x1500px 2.78 MB
anonymous's avatar
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nudagimo's avatar
Hallo Syl, ich habe dein wunderschönes Foto hier verwendet  Ravens best friend 2016 by nudagimo
Vielen herzlichen Dank! :hug: