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WeirdWondrous's avatar

Victorian-insipred travel gown



Got to use my silk travel gown summer 2009.. the lovely steamtrain is named Thor; from 1909, If I remember correctly.
Lennakatten railroad, Sweden. <3

It was an amazing day. The train is well worth a visit if you happen to be in the area!


This photograph tend to show up now and then in various groups online, claiming it's an authentic photograph from around the turn of the century.
I have NEVER made that claim. NEITHER do I endorse it.
Neither have I tried to recreate an actual dress to make it look authentic. There's a lot wrong with it, aside from the guy drinking from a plastic bottle in the background.
The bag, the makeup, my silhouette, my lack of corset, the..entire gown model. The hat. I could go on.
This gown was made over a weekend for a fun project. The inspiration is taken from three different dresses around 1880; but I didn't even own a real corset back then.

IF you have found this photograph by reverse image googling or such, THANK YOU for checking your sources, it is much appreciated.
I tried to hunt the copies and claims down, but it's simply too widespread. For a while I tried replying to every comment as well.
I simply can't. It has a life on its own

The photo is taken in 2009. It was a lovely day.

On a less grateful note to "some"...
Lastly.. Just because you think the person died 100 years ago doesn't mean you should be rude.
They might actually be very much alive and around, and reading your comment.
Not should you think the person in the picture has any power over how their image is being used or that they endorse the claims.

Just food for thought.

Thank you.
Image size
600x899px 390.03 KB
Shutter Speed
1/160 second
Focal Length
8 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Aug 1, 2009, 1:26:55 PM
© 2010 - 2024 WeirdWondrous
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PlushPossumStudio's avatar
I absolutely ADORE this!!!!!! Would you be interested in joining our party, from December 4th till January 2nd? Lots of links, a High Tea, Steampunked fun, etc. You would really grace us by your joining in with your link at our party to this so special photo! Please think about it and let us know if you'd care to!