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Facehugger Brooch Reversed Dissection



So, since I made the Giger intaglio of a warrior Alien from the movie "Aliens" I've been pondering how to set it.

I spoke with a friend about wanting to make a spaceship silhouette and he went
"Well, I'm just grateful you didn't make a Facehugger. Those things freaks me out!" ..

That stuck in my mind and I simply had to! Thank you, Luke! I just want to hug you! So does my brooch..  :hug:

Here it is -a sterling silver Facehugger brooch setting, the total piece being over 15 cm / 6 inches long from tip to tail, jointed for that true neck-cuddling feeling.

I'm so proud my chest could burst! :squee:

Facehugger silver brooch with amber carving by fairyfrog Facehugger brooch leg detail by fairyfrog Facehugger Brooch Reversed Dissection by fairyfrog Alien Warrior amber carving by fairyfrog

Image size
2169x1782px 2.66 MB
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Jmona's avatar
How can I buy one? Thanks