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When Night Falls



When night falls in the Mystery World, many things happen. If it is one of these special nights, the eyes of the Wise One will slowly start filling with tears running down its cheeks, mouth wide open.. A strange sound will be heard all around the Mystery World in order to let everybody know that the Birth has began. Then the Mystery People who live with the Cloud Matrix will come to collect the Tears. This takes almost until the dawn, mostly because Mystery People are small, so they cannot carry more than a drop each. I once read in the Old Books that even a tiny drop of the Tears is so heavy, that even the strongest man in the world could not carry. How can you carry a teardrop though, you will ask? Well, thats where the Triplets come in handy with this task. You see, the teardrops are freezed by the Snow Triplets, making the teardrop more stable to carry. Then after a long night of hard work, the tears will be magicaly turned to the cloud making sugar, the Triplets will return to the Frozen Lake, and the White Matrix will welcome the new breed of the tiny black creatures, the Mystery People.
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dtabrom's avatar
Definitely one of the more surreal things I've seen, but I love it!