November to Remember - A visible apocalypsewebartgallery on DeviantArt

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November to Remember - A visible apocalypse



The cover of the magazine "November to Remember". A powerful illustration featuring 2 presidents facing each other, both wearing black suits. They face off with their eyes looking into one another's soul. In front them stand missile rockets on red background. Above it is written in bold letters "A visible apocalypse."

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912x1328px 238.1 KB
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ArcadiaJaneBerger's avatar

Vladimir chuckled.

"Get off the box, Donald, and sit down at the desk. You have a lot of papers to sign."

Donald began signing. He didn't look at the papers, just put his epileptic scrawl at the line at the bottom of each document.

"What am I doing, anyway?", Donald asked as Vladimir leaned over his shoulder. "Surrendering America? Or just Europe?"

"Nothing so direct. Nothing so obvious. Just a few little tweaks and concessions. But yes, we are indeed that direction, let us say."