Web-Comic-Alliance's avatar


Years Ago
343 Members323 Watchers

Comments 213

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Hey guys, does anybody looking for a comic flatter? I'm available for service! You can look at my work by visiting my profile.

rates per page between $5 to $10 depends on the complexity

also attached photo below for reference.

you guys can reach me by DM or through gmail.


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my webtoon Hey guys! i just started a comic about my daily life and struggles as an adolescent. It is very funny and relatable. www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/… check it out!   
When the Deviation/Art/Upload is Just Right (icon) 
Anyone taking care of this group? Was wondering when the last time it was cleaned or maintained...
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Thank you for letting me join.
May I join?(I don t find the button to do it)