Battle Mage Knight- Tarynwbd on DeviantArt

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Battle Mage Knight- Taryn



Taryn is the third of four characters that I've been working on the designs for. I realized that if I want to learn more about drawing comics, I can't just start with the drawing comics part- I need to practice the construction part of comics, too. That means writing some quick world backstory, characters, and doing some design- something I struggle with. Anyways, I've put aside everything else for a little bit and have gotten to work.

I don't want to give too much away about characters if all I have are their designs, however- I'd like you to know more about them by seeing them in action in a comic, rather than me just describing them. I will say that Taryn is 20 years old, and stands 167cm tall. She's a rival to Hazell.
Here's the main characters:
Battle Mage Knight- Maisie by wbd
Battle Mage Knight- Taryn by wbd
Battle Mage Knight- Hazell by wbd
Battle Mage Knight- Evania by wbd
Image size
1920x1080px 682.7 KB
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